A friend knows the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. ~Donna Roberts
So important...these relationships called friends. I love you soooo much...you know who you are. Yes, you know who you are.
Whisper to me and sing to me....I love you so much.
xoxo Wendy
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The fork in the road....

Our soul always lets us know, in our heart, which way to turn when we are at a crossroads in our lives.....we often don't want to honor that voice....as it means great change. And with change often times comes fear....and we don't take the road we are told to take.
Make the change. Love yourself through the fear.
As the saying goes..."Just do it". Thank you Nike. :)
xoxo Wendy
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
....is quite funny to me. When I am writing here, I wonder who reads this and why. On a blog, you write your own thoughts and feelings and musings....and then it is just open to the public and whomever finds it.
It is really quite cool.
So read on, mysterious readers. And send me through your thoughts, what it is you might like to know, or read about. And if I am connected to some of you...perhaps I will pick up on your thoughts.
Or...you could just leave a comment, or even an email.
xoxo Wendy
It is really quite cool.
So read on, mysterious readers. And send me through your thoughts, what it is you might like to know, or read about. And if I am connected to some of you...perhaps I will pick up on your thoughts.
Or...you could just leave a comment, or even an email.
xoxo Wendy
Monday, October 19, 2009
Even though the Universe gives me the signs...and they abound all around me....and I see them, and acknowledge them...it is still not always easy to interpret the full meaning.
My goal is to wisely interpret....accept the challenge...and move forward.
Keep moving. Keep being willing to BE moved. Grow, grow, grow.
xoxo Wendy
My goal is to wisely interpret....accept the challenge...and move forward.
Keep moving. Keep being willing to BE moved. Grow, grow, grow.
xoxo Wendy
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Ahhhhhh...now thats just what I needed.
I just had the best massage. Here in my home. I found a young woman with some healing hands. And she came here, with her table, and I am relaxed and happy.
Nothing like a little pampering.
xoxo Wendy
Nothing like a little pampering.
xoxo Wendy
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Ok, so I am fuming...
....about what, you ask?
Well thank you for asking.
I sat down today to actually view an episode of the new dating/reality show: "More To Love". What the heck is going on????
Couldn't we PLEASE have one damn show that shows big/curvy/fat girls loving themselves and being confident????? Where did they find these girls???? Are you kidding me that they couldn't have found secure women, that are big, that really have been on dates and in relationships????
Come on.
Quit FEEDING us this kind of bullshit sandwich.
Whew, there, more later. Somehow I feel better.
xoxo Wendy
Well thank you for asking.
I sat down today to actually view an episode of the new dating/reality show: "More To Love". What the heck is going on????
Couldn't we PLEASE have one damn show that shows big/curvy/fat girls loving themselves and being confident????? Where did they find these girls???? Are you kidding me that they couldn't have found secure women, that are big, that really have been on dates and in relationships????
Come on.
Quit FEEDING us this kind of bullshit sandwich.
Whew, there, more later. Somehow I feel better.
xoxo Wendy
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Move
Well today I moved. My office that is. Just across the building to a different office. I was hesitant at first, I LOVED my office. I have been there for three months and couldn't imagine leaving my space.
But circumstances began to present themselves that would begin to open my eyes to the possibility of a move.
I had to pay attention to these circumstances. And just like that, an office opened up and became free and I listened to the prompting.
This new office is only 4 square feet smaller than my previous one but felt smaller to me. But I believed I should take it. And so I did. And today was moving day.
David, my husband and Pat, the building owner both came in at 3pm and began to move my furniture. Christina, my spiritual daughter, also came. The four of us moved everything and within about two hours, the job was completed. I just have a few things to hang on my walls.
I am writing this, not just to inform you of the office switcheroo...but to say a thing or two about change.
When the Universe grants you the ability to realize It is trying to gift you with something...LISTEN!!
Though I loved my previous office spot..I absolutely ADORE this new space. I cannot believe it. When everyone left, I sat for about 15 minutes, drinking in the feel. I believe that it too will become a quiet place of respite and healing..not only for clients, but for me as well.
God knows me. Knows what I need before I do. Gifts me on a regular basis without my even asking. I am grateful. I am listening. I am learning.
Are you? :)
With love from a grateful student of life, now working out of Suite 165.
But circumstances began to present themselves that would begin to open my eyes to the possibility of a move.
I had to pay attention to these circumstances. And just like that, an office opened up and became free and I listened to the prompting.
This new office is only 4 square feet smaller than my previous one but felt smaller to me. But I believed I should take it. And so I did. And today was moving day.
David, my husband and Pat, the building owner both came in at 3pm and began to move my furniture. Christina, my spiritual daughter, also came. The four of us moved everything and within about two hours, the job was completed. I just have a few things to hang on my walls.
I am writing this, not just to inform you of the office switcheroo...but to say a thing or two about change.
When the Universe grants you the ability to realize It is trying to gift you with something...LISTEN!!
Though I loved my previous office spot..I absolutely ADORE this new space. I cannot believe it. When everyone left, I sat for about 15 minutes, drinking in the feel. I believe that it too will become a quiet place of respite and healing..not only for clients, but for me as well.
God knows me. Knows what I need before I do. Gifts me on a regular basis without my even asking. I am grateful. I am listening. I am learning.
Are you? :)
With love from a grateful student of life, now working out of Suite 165.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Dont Faint...
...but I am back!!!
I don't know where to tell you that I have been....but I am back.
I opened a new office here in Las Vegas and have been spending quite a bit of time getting that set up, traveling and speaking in Michigan...and just generally otherwise occupied.
Come back to me. :) I hope that I can lure you back by doing some writing again.
My post today is just something brief...but I really am feeling the need.
I am hearing many people these days saying some things that I don't even think that they realize they are saying. So I am going to use this forum to talk about it. I am hearing these things said in public, my office, my friends...everywhere.
I wil write about each of these things on different postings so that we can just sit with each one separately.
I guess I will start with the statement: "Ya Think?"
I hear this all of the time. When people say it to me..I cringe and don't want to answer. Because if the statement were to be finished it would sound something like this: "Ya think stupid?", or how clueless could you be/or how dumb could you be to just be getting this???
So think about it for a second. Not only is it the statement..but the tone that goes with it.
When you are using this statement....think about it. What are you really saying?
I want to stop the discussion as I feel dismissed and as though "I" was the one clearly not understanding someone in the first place.
Talk to me. Let me know what you think.
xoxo Wendy
I don't know where to tell you that I have been....but I am back.
I opened a new office here in Las Vegas and have been spending quite a bit of time getting that set up, traveling and speaking in Michigan...and just generally otherwise occupied.
Come back to me. :) I hope that I can lure you back by doing some writing again.
My post today is just something brief...but I really am feeling the need.
I am hearing many people these days saying some things that I don't even think that they realize they are saying. So I am going to use this forum to talk about it. I am hearing these things said in public, my office, my friends...everywhere.
I wil write about each of these things on different postings so that we can just sit with each one separately.
I guess I will start with the statement: "Ya Think?"
I hear this all of the time. When people say it to me..I cringe and don't want to answer. Because if the statement were to be finished it would sound something like this: "Ya think stupid?", or how clueless could you be/or how dumb could you be to just be getting this???
So think about it for a second. Not only is it the statement..but the tone that goes with it.
When you are using this statement....think about it. What are you really saying?
I want to stop the discussion as I feel dismissed and as though "I" was the one clearly not understanding someone in the first place.
Talk to me. Let me know what you think.
xoxo Wendy
Saturday, March 21, 2009
111 and 1111
For the past couple of weeks I have been being followed. Yes, it is true....followed. Tapped on the shoulder. Whispered to. Tugged at. Told. You name it...I have had it.I have been seeing 111, 1111 1:11, 11:11. Clocks, channels, license plates, price tags...everywhere!! In fact, last night in a dream, I asked someone what time it was and they replied, "It is 11:14". This dream was finally the prompt that I needed to look it up again and then post here. The following is what I found.
"For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten.The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality.When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger.
A transfer is in position.You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation.The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world.
You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness. The 11.11 is the bridge our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the postive unknown and beyond."
This is so exciting to me. I am very grateful and happy. I AM ready to step into the Greater Reality.
xoxo Wendy
"For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There's a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten.The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?
11:11 is a pre-encoded trigger placed into our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which, when activated, signifies that our time of completion is near. This refers to the completion of duality.When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger.
A transfer is in position.You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation.The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It's time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world.
You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness. The 11.11 is the bridge our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the postive unknown and beyond."
This is so exciting to me. I am very grateful and happy. I AM ready to step into the Greater Reality.
xoxo Wendy
Monday, February 16, 2009
Happy Monday!!
So people are asking me: did I do what I had said in the previous post...for Valentine's Day that is?????
Sent the hubby golfing...with his great friend Mr. Calvin Mr. J. They left early in the am and didn't get home until much later in the afternoon. Golfed himself into oblivion. :)
Which left me with some great time to myself. LOVED IT!! Showered, watched part of a movie...Notting Hill...which I love.
Called my great friend Bren, Mr. Calvin's mate, and we went to lunch at our favorite spot in LV...Woody's...which isn't the real name...but we have dubbed it with that name. :)
Met up with the husband and then we went to the shops at Mandalay Bay...went to Lush (which if you don't know what that store is...you should Google it@!). We had some sugar free gelato and walked around a bit.
The greatest V-Day!!!!
Hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and look forward to hearing all about your day as well....loving yourself.
xoxo Wendy
PS....a few of you have even called me to see what the big D gave me as a gift. :) Because he is the GREATEST gift giver ever. I am blessed. He bought me a beautiful ring. It is a Lillian Too Feng Shui maven....Mantra Ring. Gorgeous. :) I LOVE IT!!!
Sent the hubby golfing...with his great friend Mr. Calvin Mr. J. They left early in the am and didn't get home until much later in the afternoon. Golfed himself into oblivion. :)
Which left me with some great time to myself. LOVED IT!! Showered, watched part of a movie...Notting Hill...which I love.
Called my great friend Bren, Mr. Calvin's mate, and we went to lunch at our favorite spot in LV...Woody's...which isn't the real name...but we have dubbed it with that name. :)
Met up with the husband and then we went to the shops at Mandalay Bay...went to Lush (which if you don't know what that store is...you should Google it@!). We had some sugar free gelato and walked around a bit.
The greatest V-Day!!!!
Hope that you all had a wonderful weekend and look forward to hearing all about your day as well....loving yourself.
xoxo Wendy
PS....a few of you have even called me to see what the big D gave me as a gift. :) Because he is the GREATEST gift giver ever. I am blessed. He bought me a beautiful ring. It is a Lillian Too Feng Shui maven....Mantra Ring. Gorgeous. :) I LOVE IT!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Who Loves You Baby?

I probably don't need to tell you this....but I will anyhow.
This Saturday is the big V!! Valentines Day. Whooooo Hooooo.Yippee Skippee. Whoop De Dooooo.
There, have I made a big enough deal out of it???? Because now I have something to say.
However you celebrate this day, I wish you the happiest of Saturdays. I just want to be sure to tell you that I am being sarcastic here and would like to explain why.
Briefly. Very briefly.
So many expectations, so few born out of realism. If you are married or partnered, people think that you have the market on love and contentment and wonderful gift-giving partners. If you are single, you may be thinking that you are dreading the big V...and my God, it is falling on a SATURDAY of all things...like the Saturday night being date night expectation isn't looming enough...and if you personally care less whether you are married/partnered/single/dating or any form of coupling, people still want to look with pity upon the uncoupled no matter what you may tell them. Arrrgggghhhhhhhh! Stop the madness.
The best thing to do this Saturday is celebrate loving you. Spa, movie, junk food, pedicure, fresh flowers....whatever it takes.
Because loving yourself is the one constant that you can actually have some control over. And besides, YOU know what flowers/movies/food/toe nail polish color you like.
I personally am going to tell my husband he can have the whole dang Saturday to himself and he can go golf himself into oblivion. And I for my part will go to LUSH and after have some sugar free gelato at the shops at Mandalay Bay.
Now that is love!
Be happy.
xoxo Wendy
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Starting Over?????
Hello all....have you missed me? I have missed you. I am busy working on new ventures and adventures in my new home and new home state. Nevada is a fabulous place to be...the weather has been amazing. (Sorry my Michigander friends!)
I have some things to say and thought that I should jot them here for you to read along with me.
Starting Over.
Were any of you watchers and or fans of that short-lived television show? I think that it was on for two or three seasons. The premise was that six women stayed in a house and all had separate goals that they wanted to achieve. They were assisted by two life-coaches. It was a reality television show, of sorts. The women completed tasks and after several weeks were able to graduate and move out. It was fascinating to me.
I actually know, and love, one of the participants. Rain. I met her...through some pretty extraordinary circumstances that I may one day share here as well.
So tonight I am thinking about how grateful and happy I am these days. And wondering why? I mean, we are in warm weather. Sunny every day. I have met amazing friends out here. My husband no longer has to commute three hours each day to work...just about five seconds down the hall to his home office. All eighty of my boxes are unpacked and we are all decorated and settled. I have some great coaching clients. I have been doing some singing. Am probably going to buy into a business this weekend. Upcoming seminars to give. Whew....the list goes on and on.
But there is something deeper. Something that touches me on a spiritual level. I believe I know what it is.
I am me. I am authentically me. No pretenses. No fear of judgement. No worry of what others may think. I am at great peace.
I am being honest with and about myself. Daily. Every moment. It feels good. Letting myself be calm. Not being hard on myself. Dropping so much of the expectations that I have had for ME.
How about you?
I wish you could all be in the place that you want to be. Take all of the chances that you would love to take, without fear. Make the move. Change the job. Grow your relationship. Take your make-up off for a day. Take a class. Laugh out loud. Again. Take a chance. Take a leap. Allow yourself to breathe.
I feel better for you just by saying it here.
Learn who you REALLY are. Not being defined by your family. Your friends. Your job. Your body. Your stuff. Your past. Your fears.
I love you. Whomever you are reading this. I love that person and perhaps the person you were meant to be too.
xoxo Wendy
I have some things to say and thought that I should jot them here for you to read along with me.
Starting Over.
Were any of you watchers and or fans of that short-lived television show? I think that it was on for two or three seasons. The premise was that six women stayed in a house and all had separate goals that they wanted to achieve. They were assisted by two life-coaches. It was a reality television show, of sorts. The women completed tasks and after several weeks were able to graduate and move out. It was fascinating to me.
I actually know, and love, one of the participants. Rain. I met her...through some pretty extraordinary circumstances that I may one day share here as well.
So tonight I am thinking about how grateful and happy I am these days. And wondering why? I mean, we are in warm weather. Sunny every day. I have met amazing friends out here. My husband no longer has to commute three hours each day to work...just about five seconds down the hall to his home office. All eighty of my boxes are unpacked and we are all decorated and settled. I have some great coaching clients. I have been doing some singing. Am probably going to buy into a business this weekend. Upcoming seminars to give. Whew....the list goes on and on.
But there is something deeper. Something that touches me on a spiritual level. I believe I know what it is.
I am me. I am authentically me. No pretenses. No fear of judgement. No worry of what others may think. I am at great peace.
I am being honest with and about myself. Daily. Every moment. It feels good. Letting myself be calm. Not being hard on myself. Dropping so much of the expectations that I have had for ME.
How about you?
I wish you could all be in the place that you want to be. Take all of the chances that you would love to take, without fear. Make the move. Change the job. Grow your relationship. Take your make-up off for a day. Take a class. Laugh out loud. Again. Take a chance. Take a leap. Allow yourself to breathe.
I feel better for you just by saying it here.
Learn who you REALLY are. Not being defined by your family. Your friends. Your job. Your body. Your stuff. Your past. Your fears.
I love you. Whomever you are reading this. I love that person and perhaps the person you were meant to be too.
xoxo Wendy
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It is January the 13th.
I am happy, satisfied really. I keep reminding myself of the month. Because as I sit at my desk, with my window open and the sun shining....I am hearing the chatter of the men cleaning the landscaping here at our condo. They are using the blower, laughing and speaking out loud. I love it.
It is January.
And outside my window to the right....a palm tree like the stock photo here. And the octagon window to my left....foliage from another green (yes GREEN) tree.
Moving here has been amazing. Living here is even better. So with boxes still in our garage to be unpacked...I am still comfortable, happy and at peace.
xoxo Wendy
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Hello all! I am back. Plugged in. Up and running. High-speed. Office machines humming.
Yes, I am hooked up again. The truck made it from Michigan, bringing all of our things with it. Inside that truck held the 4000 pounds of the remaining articles that we kept and packed and shipped. And within the bowels of that HUGE truck were our computers, monitors, phones, office equipment. And David hooked it all up and we are good to go again.
I am ready to start the weekly column of the questions. I have received many and will begin posting them and getting them answered. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for your responses. I am actually honored and humbled by this endeavor. Thank you for placing some kind of trust in the answers that will be provided. I encourage feedback, whether here or at my e-mail site.
We have moved to Las Vegas. Some see this as the land of gambling, drinking and debauchery. I, however, really don't see that. I see the gorgeous mountains, climate and amazing people that I have met....and continue to meet.
In 2009, I hope that your outlook is a positive one. Look at the wonder and beauty. Even in some perceived scarcity....simplicity and calm counts for so much. Choose happiness. Laughter counts. Peace.
xoxo Wendy
PS Picture number one: Red Rock (there is a 13 mile drive/hike/bike through and around the mountains..my friend Brenda took me there last week and it was stunning. AND it is only about 15 minutes from my house.
Picture number two: The Vegas Skyline. It is 2.5 miles from our house and we can see part of it from the end of our street.
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