Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Starting Over?????

Hello all....have you missed me? I have missed you. I am busy working on new ventures and adventures in my new home and new home state. Nevada is a fabulous place to be...the weather has been amazing. (Sorry my Michigander friends!)

I have some things to say and thought that I should jot them here for you to read along with me.

Starting Over.

Were any of you watchers and or fans of that short-lived television show? I think that it was on for two or three seasons. The premise was that six women stayed in a house and all had separate goals that they wanted to achieve. They were assisted by two life-coaches. It was a reality television show, of sorts. The women completed tasks and after several weeks were able to graduate and move out. It was fascinating to me.

I actually know, and love, one of the participants. Rain. I met her...through some pretty extraordinary circumstances that I may one day share here as well.

So tonight I am thinking about how grateful and happy I am these days. And wondering why? I mean, we are in warm weather. Sunny every day. I have met amazing friends out here. My husband no longer has to commute three hours each day to work...just about five seconds down the hall to his home office. All eighty of my boxes are unpacked and we are all decorated and settled. I have some great coaching clients. I have been doing some singing. Am probably going to buy into a business this weekend. Upcoming seminars to give. Whew....the list goes on and on.

But there is something deeper. Something that touches me on a spiritual level. I believe I know what it is.

I am me. I am authentically me. No pretenses. No fear of judgement. No worry of what others may think. I am at great peace.

I am being honest with and about myself. Daily. Every moment. It feels good. Letting myself be calm. Not being hard on myself. Dropping so much of the expectations that I have had for ME.

How about you?

I wish you could all be in the place that you want to be. Take all of the chances that you would love to take, without fear. Make the move. Change the job. Grow your relationship. Take your make-up off for a day. Take a class. Laugh out loud. Again. Take a chance. Take a leap. Allow yourself to breathe.

I feel better for you just by saying it here.

Learn who you REALLY are. Not being defined by your family. Your friends. Your job. Your body. Your stuff. Your past. Your fears.

I love you. Whomever you are reading this. I love that person and perhaps the person you were meant to be too.

xoxo Wendy

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