...probably wouldn't want to have to live without them. Cell phones that is!! I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and we were talking about the very first cellular phones. Remember, huge and had to sit in the front seat of your car and practically needed their own seat with a seat belt they were so big. And it was RARE that anyone even had one.
Now...everyone has one! In fact, I know hardly anyone that DOESN'T have one (Ken!!).
But now I feel that there should be classes given to carry one. Just like you need a drivers license, I think that we should have to have a cell phone license! You would have to take classes and pass a test and if you are found (or heard) violating the LAWS you would be ticketed and after three offenses, your cell phone is confiscated.
Actually, these LAWS are really just common sense and merely downright courtesy issues...but somehow people have taken leave of their human courtesy senses.
So I have decided to list just a few things that I would like to see happen. (If you think of more, PLEASE list them here for me!!)
When in the presence of another person that you are friends with or related to....do not pick up the phone while in the middle of a conversation! Unless of course, you say (at the very least!) excuse me while I check this will you please???? I am so annoyed and even feel dismissed when I am eating with someone, riding with someone, or just hanging out with them and they allow someone to butt in our conversation, outing or dinner and not only answer without saying something to me....but continue an entire conversation without thought that I am sitting with them and we had been having a conversation. I want to get up and leave. No lie. I want to leave them there with their lengthy conversation and go. But usually I am driving.
Conversations in public....with tons of other people listening. I KNOW that this is talked about all of the time....so I won't pontificate. We ALL know how annoying this is.
Texting!! People, texting counts as talking. I know people that will just pull out their dinging phone to read a text and THEN proceed to write back an answer.....while in the middle of another conversation with the HUMAN standing with them!!
What is so damn important that a text or a phone call cannot wait until your appointment, lunch, shopping, riding or any of the other HUMAN contact time is over??????
Please, reconsider your need for constant cell phone/texting usage when with other actual living breathing people.
I know I will.
xoxo Wendy
PS Probably the people that really NEED this little article will not be reading my blog! :) So I have an idea. Email them my blog info. Or write it on a piece of paper and hand it to them and ask them to read it....you know, telling them about this lunatic friend that you have that makes you smile during her rantings. :)