Jane is in Italy. I couldn't be happier for her. And so very proud that she went on this trip. I cannot wait to hear all about it from her. I live an hour away from Jane, in the same state....for a few more months anyway. I see her every four to six weeks....if I am lucky. She has been gone for only about a week or so. I miss her more than you can imagine. Isn't that funny? Just knowing that she is so very far away somehow makes me miss her more. Don't you find that fascinating in your life as well?
I am moving to Las Vegas. And even though my husband and I will be coming back probably every two months or so (for work reasons) people are already saying they are missing me. I feel that I will be seeing everyone....maybe even more than we do now....but somehow the distance makes a difference. If only in our minds.
Perhaps the saying, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder" is true. And maybe it is for this very reason. When someone is far away from us....we think about them more...and long to be able to run right out and see or visit them.....but we usually don't. We take for granted that someone is just an hour or two...or a few minutes away....and so we don't reach out.
Reach out.
Have a great day.