Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dont Faint...

...but I am back!!!

I don't know where to tell you that I have been....but I am back.

I opened a new office here in Las Vegas and have been spending quite a bit of time getting that set up, traveling and speaking in Michigan...and just generally otherwise occupied.

Come back to me. :) I hope that I can lure you back by doing some writing again.

My post today is just something brief...but I really am feeling the need.

I am hearing many people these days saying some things that I don't even think that they realize they are saying. So I am going to use this forum to talk about it. I am hearing these things said in public, my office, my friends...everywhere.

I wil write about each of these things on different postings so that we can just sit with each one separately.

I guess I will start with the statement: "Ya Think?"

I hear this all of the time. When people say it to me..I cringe and don't want to answer. Because if the statement were to be finished it would sound something like this: "Ya think stupid?", or how clueless could you be/or how dumb could you be to just be getting this???

So think about it for a second. Not only is it the statement..but the tone that goes with it.

When you are using this statement....think about it. What are you really saying?

I want to stop the discussion as I feel dismissed and as though "I" was the one clearly not understanding someone in the first place.

Talk to me. Let me know what you think.

xoxo Wendy