I probably don't need to tell you this....but I will anyhow.
This Saturday is the big V!! Valentines Day. Whooooo Hooooo.Yippee Skippee. Whoop De Dooooo.
There, have I made a big enough deal out of it???? Because now I have something to say.
However you celebrate this day, I wish you the happiest of Saturdays. I just want to be sure to tell you that I am being sarcastic here and would like to explain why.
Briefly. Very briefly.
So many expectations, so few born out of realism. If you are married or partnered, people think that you have the market on love and contentment and wonderful gift-giving partners. If you are single, you may be thinking that you are dreading the big V...and my God, it is falling on a SATURDAY of all things...like the Saturday night being date night expectation isn't looming enough...and if you personally care less whether you are married/partnered/single/dating or any form of coupling, people still want to look with pity upon the uncoupled no matter what you may tell them. Arrrgggghhhhhhhh! Stop the madness.
The best thing to do this Saturday is celebrate loving you. Spa, movie, junk food, pedicure, fresh flowers....whatever it takes.
Because loving yourself is the one constant that you can actually have some control over. And besides, YOU know what flowers/movies/food/toe nail polish color you like.
I personally am going to tell my husband he can have the whole dang Saturday to himself and he can go golf himself into oblivion. And I for my part will go to LUSH and after have some sugar free gelato at the shops at Mandalay Bay.
Now that is love!
Be happy.
xoxo Wendy