My house is empty....my heart is full!
I should have known or at least suspected this a looooong time ago. There were signs all along the way. The words just had to get loud enough for me to finally move out of my own way....and follow. Get out from all of the stuff. ALL of the stuff.
We are moving. Making the move that I have wanted to make for MANY years. To move to a warmer climate. We are moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. Yes folks. That is right....Sin City. But for us it is not so sinful...mainly SUNful. Not gamblers or drinkers or partiers, we love the sun, the mountains, the air....but for the most part...no snow.
I began selling all of our things in Michigan. Slowly at first. My clothes, shoes, purses, accessories. Over 300 pieces walked out of this house.
Then the purge was on.
We began slowly selling our furniture. We didn't really need an entire formal living room of furniture...so we sold it. Wow. Such freedom.
I then had an Estate Sale. Sold more than I could have ever imagined. Along the way we have given to friends and neighors, donated, consigned, Craigslist, Ebay, my entire email list of people...and then to the general public. People continued to ask....don't you have a pull or a tug or a sadness?? I have to honestly say....not one bit. In fact, I continue to look for things to rid myself of. I am having one last clothing/purse/accessory/shoe sale. Then we are done.
What I am finding is: the more I let go of "stuff"...the more I am filled with greater "stuff". Very spiritual. I have always been very organized, VERY organized, but suddenly I realized that it required a lot of time and more than that - energy- to continue to care for, store and keep track of all of that stuff.
I am suddenly free. I find myself just wanting to lay on my totally empty (well there is one lamp in the corner that is on a timer, and a floral arrangement that my mother had made on the mantle) living room floor. I see my beloved little Sushi (our 6 pound dog) laying every morning in the living room in the sun that comes in through the window. I wanted to do the same thing. So I am going to. I am going to lay in the sun, in my empty room, in my nearly empty house...and just be. Just be. Quiet. Contemplative. Grateful. Loved. Peaceful. Prayerful. Happy. Ommmmmmm......
My house is empty. My heart is full.
I should have known or at least suspected this a looooong time ago. There were signs all along the way. The words just had to get loud enough for me to finally move out of my own way....and follow. Get out from all of the stuff. ALL of the stuff.
We are moving. Making the move that I have wanted to make for MANY years. To move to a warmer climate. We are moving to Las Vegas, Nevada. Yes folks. That is right....Sin City. But for us it is not so sinful...mainly SUNful. Not gamblers or drinkers or partiers, we love the sun, the mountains, the air....but for the most part...no snow.
I began selling all of our things in Michigan. Slowly at first. My clothes, shoes, purses, accessories. Over 300 pieces walked out of this house.
Then the purge was on.
We began slowly selling our furniture. We didn't really need an entire formal living room of furniture...so we sold it. Wow. Such freedom.
I then had an Estate Sale. Sold more than I could have ever imagined. Along the way we have given to friends and neighors, donated, consigned, Craigslist, Ebay, my entire email list of people...and then to the general public. People continued to ask....don't you have a pull or a tug or a sadness?? I have to honestly say....not one bit. In fact, I continue to look for things to rid myself of. I am having one last clothing/purse/accessory/shoe sale. Then we are done.
What I am finding is: the more I let go of "stuff"...the more I am filled with greater "stuff". Very spiritual. I have always been very organized, VERY organized, but suddenly I realized that it required a lot of time and more than that - energy- to continue to care for, store and keep track of all of that stuff.
I am suddenly free. I find myself just wanting to lay on my totally empty (well there is one lamp in the corner that is on a timer, and a floral arrangement that my mother had made on the mantle) living room floor. I see my beloved little Sushi (our 6 pound dog) laying every morning in the living room in the sun that comes in through the window. I wanted to do the same thing. So I am going to. I am going to lay in the sun, in my empty room, in my nearly empty house...and just be. Just be. Quiet. Contemplative. Grateful. Loved. Peaceful. Prayerful. Happy. Ommmmmmm......
My house is empty. My heart is full.
YAY!!!Wendy is back to blogging. Now that's what I'm talkin about. This was beautiful.
Awesome Wendy!!! I need to do the same thing, but it's getting the rest of the house to do the same. How many of the same tools do ya need right;)
We miss you here at CTFE, but wish you well in your new home. My Mom lives in Vages. In fact her "employer" ownes a few properties out there he rents. He's a locksmith. Their main dwelling is right at the end of the strip (lotta people getting locked out in awkward situations ya know;).
Take care and I'll have to check in every now and then to see how you're doing.
(I remember when I was just starting out, my apt. was always so clean and neat. Not so much to take care of and not lacking for anything either.) Norean
Hey Wendy, While Joe and I didn't move to a warmer climate we did move west to the gold coast of MI. Your home town of GR:-) We left much behind in Lansing, our home of 30 years, and most of our 'stuff'. Gave it away, hauled it away. It's amazing how much you don't miss it! Trying so hard to keep stuff to a minimum here! What we have realized is how important our friends and family are. Oldest daughter found breast cancer last spring. Since then has had lumpectomy, chemo and beginning radiation therapy next month. She has a 21mo. old son who lights up our lives and keeps us young (or old, depending on the day , hee-hee). We have found through this journey the support of faith community beyond measure that has lifted us and been a daily blessing. Believe it or not, through this we have found numerous blessings that remind us to draw close, to love and to be loved. I am amazed! Love you friend!
Oh Diane!! I am so excited to hear from you. Living in GR??? Close to Jan? I am very happy to hear that a few of my friends have also "let go" of their stuff. I have received a few other emails from others saying what a freeing experience this is for all of us!! I am touched by the news of your daughter, and am sending love and light to ALL of you, as I know that this is a huge thing in your very close family. My love to all of you and please stay in touch. xox Wendy
Norean! Thanks for reading and respondig. You know, it is NEVER too late in the game to purge my friend. Get the whole house on board. Or just begin with a few small steps. It just grows and grows..and the feeling gets so much better and bigger. xoxo Wendy
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