Monday, March 24, 2008

Blogging???? Is that a new dance????

Blogging? Is that anything like "clogging"?

Wow....I am so glad that I started this blog...if for no other reason than to find out from so many of you that are e-mailing me asking..."What the heck is a blog exactly?" , that I am not the only one that didn't know anything about them~

I love that question....because I was pretty clueless about the entire thing myself. Jane, my motivating factor here (Please read my first posting!) had started a blog about - oh I don't know, maybe more than a year ago. She told me about it and I didn't even go look at it right away (sorry Janie) because I didn't really know what the heck it was.

Now I am starting to get it.

And now I am wondering...are there printed rules on etiquette somewhere on "The Art of the Courteous Blogger"??? Well I am telling you, I have searched and found nothing. So of course, here on MY BLOG...I am going to tell you how I see it!

First, I must ask this question???? Why the name BLOG? It sounds dirty somehow. Smog, flog, blob....these all come to mind whenever I say the word. Seriously, please come to my blob! This is how it sounds to me. Soooooo....I am going to have to research where the goofy name came from. It probably stands for something so technical and computery that I won't want to know anyhow. Blog. To me it is a gutteral word....and I don't like it.

But...welcome to my Blog anyhow.

Whew that is out of the way.

So for those of you that have been asking what the heck this is...I have often thought of it as reading someone's personal diary. Now THAT I like. I have always been I don't like that word EITHER. Let me rephrase that. I have always been uber curious. Now THAT I like.

People write their personal feelings and opinions at a site where other people can come and read their stuff. AND are able to make comments.

The only etiquette that I am aware of...ok not really aware of, just my that it would be wonderful if when you visit someone's blog that you hit the comment cue and jot something down. Doesn't have to be profound or very long at all...just a "hey I was are a goofball"...or "my word you are so profound!"...something like that. This way bloggers know that their pages are being read and people are visiting.

I am going to apologize to every persons blog site that I have ever visited, because I didn't really understand about leaving a comment. For the longest time, I didn't even know that this was an option! (Sorry Jane, Kate, Jeannie, Pam, Rick, Adam, Cheryl, ....the list goes on!).

Also, on my page....I am going to have a vote that can be I would love it if you would visit at least once a week and take part in that vote. That would be fun.

This blog for me is also going to be for my speaking/coaching business...with some articles and information on what I do and what I am up to. So please feel free to ask any questions at all regarding those businesses.

The greatest thing about is free...and YOU could start a blog of your own. If you want some information, just ask me or click on the BLOGGER icon and start your own. If you do, please be sure to tell me so that I can read your personal stuff and comment to you!!

Keep reading.

xoxo Wendy


Jane said...

Blog = Web + Log. It's a blended word like fantabulous!

When I was trying to get Riverwalk to do a blog, or at least support it so we could continue it, I ran across several articles about blog etiquette. Most people admit that there are few guidelines, as blogging is relatively newish, no firm or fast rules but there are some basic guidelines. I'll find those sites and send you there!

Anonymous said...

hey - I was here... you're a goofball. :) You told me to say it! I just wanted to say hi and give you props for starting the blog!! Way to go, Crooner Babe :).


Jane said...

Time to update :) Hint, hint

Brian O said...

Years ago, (way back when pagers were still popular) The term "Blog" evolved from a shortened version of "Web Log" so Blog became easier to say and it stuck